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Потік Галереї Інформація

Max de Palma

и с тех пор, играет и рисует… Рисует и играет….и вот в один прекрасный момент он понял… нужно либо рисовать либо играть… И с этого момента начал создавать симфонии на холсте с помощью красок и кисти…

Вот органичный и своеобразный жанр самовыражения, сочетаемое, на первый взгляд, не сочетаемого…

Музыка застывшая на холсте радует взор…

Вызывая сумбурные и не всегда адекватные реакции…

Каждый может увидеть что то свое, что то новое, может быть даже не понятное и не зримое художником…

Смысл в картинах так же как и их внешнее проявление, замысловат и эпатажен…

Офіційна сторінка автора: http://max-depalma.com

the real paradise for new generation


As everybody knows, the world seemed to Shakespeare like a theatre, and people, accordingly, actors in it. As they say, everybody has his own opinion (problems)(in whom that hurt). An artist Max de Palma, by his pictures, perceives the world as a certain scale podium on which conditionally enough dressed long-legged supermodels and efficient men in stylish Pret-a-porter suits are walking about. In a word, it’s a real paradise for new generation.

Certainly at desire it would be possible to argue with such treatment of surrounding world — but all the matter is that such desire for some reason does not arise: Max de Palma paints his canvases using too bright and cheerful colors, he leaves the philosophical side of a problem «overboard of syllogism» too frankly. But, as a matter of fact, the problem is not present here (there is not any problem) — there are only paints and a canvas on which the artist mixes them as on a palette, it generously flows from these canvases with a magnificent and slightly mad national holiday — whether siestas of Pomplon…

There is such impression as though you are looking over the chronicle of the Brazilian carnival which has been shot by Emir Kusturica in the co-authorship with Quentin Tarantino. An absurdity and a reality are so mixed up that is not clear where one comes to an end and another begins. And that crazy (reckless) chaos was born from all this which, and as a rule, it accompanies a sincere fun and more eloquently than something else testifies to the success of the holiday.





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