и с тех пор, играет и рисует… Рисует и играет….и вот в один прекрасный момент он понял… нужно либо рисовать либо играть… И с этого момента начал создавать симфонии на холсте с помощью красок и кисти…
Вот органичный и своеобразный жанр самовыражения, сочетаемое, на первый взгляд, не сочетаемого…
Музыка застывшая на холсте радует взор…
Вызывая сумбурные и не всегда адекватные реакции…
Каждый может увидеть что то свое, что то новое, может быть даже не понятное и не зримое художником…
Смысл в картинах так же как и их внешнее проявление, замысловат и эпатажен…
Офіційна сторінка автора: http://max-depalma.com
As everybody knows, the world seemed to Shakespeare like a theatre, and people, accordingly, actors in it. As they say, everybody has his own opinion (problems)(in whom that hurt). An artist Max de Palma, by his pictures, perceives the world as a certain scale podium on which conditionally enough dressed
Certainly at desire it would be possible to argue with such treatment of surrounding world — but all the matter is that such desire for some reason does not arise: Max de Palma paints his canvases using too bright and cheerful colors, he leaves the philosophical side of a problem «overboard of syllogism» too frankly. But, as a matter of fact, the problem is not present here (there is not any problem) — there are only paints and a canvas on which the artist mixes them as on a palette, it generously flows from these canvases with a magnificent and slightly mad national holiday — whether siestas of Pomplon…
There is such impression as though you are looking over the chronicle of the Brazilian carnival which has been shot by Emir Kusturica in the