“Geo-poetical” project by Electroacoustic’s ensemble lays an emphasis on primitive mystery and “elusiveness” of the folklore of North-Western region of Ukraine, famous Rivne Polissya, on its “free” and at the same time very “closed” nature. “Cultural vector is nord/ouest” (G.Debord), in this piece it means not so much “natural spreading” of culture, as it means rapt “listening” to “sounds” and “signs” of nord/ouest. Structural idea of the piece is based on creating an original heterophonic ensemble, combining electronic and instrumental means with folklore material.
The piece is composed by request of the Second Festival of Tradirional and Avant-Garde Music (II Festiwal Tradycji i Awangardy Muzycznej) KODY (2010, Lublin, Poland).
Electroacoustic’s Ensemble:
Alla Zagaykevych — composition, programming, live electronics, vocal, theremin
Iryna Klymenko — vocal,
Sergiy Okhrimchuk — violin, vocal
Vadim Jovich — percussion.
Recorded on June 12 2010 at Studio Arkadiya, Kyiv, Ukraine
Recording engineer – Arkady Vikhariev
Mixed and mastered at Electronic Music Studio of Kyiv National Music Academy by Alla Zagaykevych