Альбом українською та англійською мовами
HANNA SHABATURA – a full-color album that presents this interesting artist from the Podillyan countryside. Trials and tribulation were constant visitors in the life and works of Hanna Shabatura, as was the case with her daughter Stefania, also an artist. However, Hanna courageously defended herself against mandatory enlistment to the Collective farm after World War II; she not only endured her collective farm experience, but also the trying 1970s and eight years of waiting for her daughter to return from her prison sentence and Siberian exile. Although Hanna found it difficult to live, she never gave up her painting.
The paintings of Hanna Shabatura depict landscapes of her native village Ivanye-Zolote of the Ternopil Area, Easter dances-“hayivky”, New Year’s celebrations, people, churches, forest wonders and villagers at their various everyday tasks, -- everything that had made up her almost 90 year life’s experience.
Тверда палітурка, 144 с., видання 2004 р.